2nd Meeting of the Science and Ethics for Happiness and Well-being (SEH) Project

2nd Meeting of the Science and Ethics for Happiness and Well-being (SEH) Project at the pontifical academy of science, where UN SDSN Greece participates and is represented by Prof. Phoebe Koundouri

SEH is an initiative hosted and managed by Monsignor Marcelo Sánchez Sorondo, Chancellor of the Pontifical Academies of Sciences and Social Sciences, in partnership with the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN), and Columbia University. Monsignor Sorondo, Jeffrey Sachs, Owen Flanagan, and Alejandro Adler will lead a series of meetings at the Pontifical Academies over the next two years to explore ways of leveraging the synergies of Science, Ethics, and Faith for Happiness, Well-being, and Sustainable Development (in short, Science and Ethics for Happiness and Well-being, or “SEH”). The objective is an actionable synthesis based on scientific findings, philosophical wisdom, and theological teachings. The expected outcomes are research collaborations, academic publications, policy reports, and active policy work with governments.

Learn more at: http://www.pas.va/content/accademia/en.html?fbclid=IwAR0mmhPYe-wKn88N5vq8PPJFvSTTLiJVq-XcoBvcJ5ZF9IdjYjn7avgXkYU

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