Advisory Group on Advanced Technologies in Trade and Logistics: Technologies supporting Circular Economy in achieving United Nations SDGs

Join Prof. Phoebe Koundouri today @ 13:00 EET for her speech at the second session of the Advisory Group on Advanced Technologies in Trade and Logistics.

Advisory Group on Advanced Technologies in Trade and Logistics: Technologies supporting Circular Economy in achieving United Nations SDGs

25 November 2020

Webex Meeting (12:00-16:00hrs), Geneva, Switzerland


The second session of the Advisory Group on Advanced Technologies in Trade and Logistics is scheduled to take place on 25 November 2020 from 12:00 to 16:00hrs. Participation in this session will be a key opportunity to be involved in ongoing work and setting the Group’s future agenda.
The UNECE Secretariat welcomes key stakeholders from all United Nations Member States to work closely to support the innovative implementations and practices in usage of Advanced Technologies. The Advisory Group is open to experts with the knowledge and experience to address its mandate, and should be drawn from governmental institutions, business, civil society, consumer organizations, and international organizations.

As we are approaching the 4th Industrial Revolution, advanced technologies carry a great promise and opportunities for social and economic sustainability, in order to better utilize our planet’s natural resources.
To provide more insight into the relation between technology and sustainability, the Advisory Group will focus its discussion on Circular Economy topics and present relevant advanced technologies and use cases that can support activities within the Circular Economy concept, in order to provide benefit to businesses and trading parties involved in sustainable international trade and value chains.
The Advisory Group will also provide updates on its progress of the Program of Work, past and ongoing activities, and discuss the next steps and areas of interest for the upcoming year 2021.

Registration to the webex meeting is now open.


12:00 – 12:10 Opening
Mr. Stefano Quintarelli – Chair of The Advisory Group on Advance Technologies in Trade and Logistics
Ms. Maria Ceccarelli – Chief, Trade Facilitation Section, ECTD, UNECE

12:10 – 12:15 Keynote
Mr. Laurent Maeder, Co-Lead Circular Economy Transition, Impact Hub Lausanne & Genève

12:15 – 12:55 Session 1 – Trade and Logistics
Ms. Cristina Martín Lorenzo – CEO & co-founder, eCustoms
Ms. Phoebe Koundouri – Athens University of Economics and Business, President-elect of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Econometrics

12:55 – 13:35 Session 2 – Traceability of Value Chains
Mr. Eyal Bloch – Head of Technology of Peace (TOP)
Mr. Marc Hoentsch – Commercial Director, TexTrace AG

13:35 – 14:15 Session 3 – Sustainable Procurement
Mr. Enrico Camerinelli . Senior Analyst, Aite Group
Mr. Enrico Di Martino – Project Manager, ‎RINA

14:15 – 14:55 Session 4 – Waste Management
Ms. Edwina Huang – Founder and CEO, Vivify Textiles
Mr. Matthias Weissl – Co-Founder & CEO, Verum Capital AG

14:55 – 15:35 Session 5 – Standards and Regulatory Frameworks
Ms. Maria Teresa Pisani – ‎Economic Affairs Officer, UNECE
Ms. Claudia Di Bernardino – Partner, TMSHELL Law

15:35 – 15:40 Keynote
Ms. Marijana Novak –  Data Strategist, Circle Economy

15:40 – 15:50 Updates on Advisory Group activities

15:50 – 16:00 Any other business and closing


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Read the presentation of Prof. Koundouri below.

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