AE4RIA Leads GR Country Team as Official Partner in FABLE Consortium!

We are excited to announce that the GR country team is an official partner in the FABLE consortium!

FABLE Team Greece is led by the Alliance of Excellence for Research and Innovation on Αephoria  (AE4RIA) Network. The team’s main areas of interest include sustainable development pathways, the transformation of the agri-food sector, and biodiversity loss.

Meet the FABLE Greece team

The FABLE Consortium is a global network of national research organizations developing national-scale food and land-use strategies aligned with global goals. FABLE fosters problem-solving across countries, through scenario marathons “Scenathons”, experience sharing on stakeholder engagement, co-development of common open tools, and policy learning between countries facing similar challenges.

The Greek agricultural sector employs approximately 400 000 people, representing 10% of employment in all sectors.  Almost a third of the Greek population lives in rural areas, surpassing the EU average. The vast majority of the country’s approximately 700 000 farms are rather small with the average farm size at 7 hectares and more than 70% consisting of less than 5 hectares. However, the sector faces significant challenges which include low levels of agricultural education and digital skills of farmers, old age of farmers, the small size of farms and the low level of cooperation and the poor performance in the process adoption of technological innovation and digital solutions.

FABLE team Greece uses the FABLE calculator to provide with projection for the country’s performance in the fields of Sustainable Agriculture, Energy, Food Security and Biodiversity for the 2020-2050 period. The process involves updating the existing data, consulting with national experts and stakeholders and implementing scenarios consistent with national targets and global sustainability. The process is embodied in the global projections of the FABLE consortium through the Scenathons process and will culminate in a detailed country report in the coming months.

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