Aligning the European Recovery Plan and the European Semester with the SDGs: The role of knowledge institutions

Venue: online
Date: 22 October 2020

on 22/10 Prof. Phoebe Koundouri in a discussion with chairs and managers of the European SDSN networks at SDSN Webinar: Aligning the European Recovery Plan and the European Semester with the SDGs: The role of knowledge institutions Invitation.

Prof. Koundouri emphasized the need for cooperation on the SDGs in Europe in order to identify sustainable pathways that can have a long term impact on our countries and the EU as a whole. She also saw the need to influence and train policy makers in building truly resilient plans funded through the Recovery & Resilience Facility.

She highlighted the work of the SDSN Working Group on the Energy Transition and the Six Transformations to Achieve the SDGS and Support the European Green Deal. This working group is currently conducting an assessment on the basis of the SDSN SDG Index and dashboards that is aimed at supporting the alignment of the Recovery and Resilience Plans, the European Green Deal and the Country-Specific Recommendations with the SDGs. This document is expected to serve as a basis for recommendations regarding national Investment Pathways that will be funded in great part through the RRF. Those Investment Pathways will be grouped according to SDSN’s 6 transformations identified by the SDSN.


SDSN public webinar 22 October – 10h-11h30 CET, 11:00- 12:30 EEST

Aligning the European Recovery Plan and the European Semester with the SDGs: The role of knowledge institutions

The European Council and the European Commission have recognized the dramatic consequences of the pandemic. To address them, they have agreed on a Recovery Plan leading the way out of the crisis and laying foundations for a modern and more sustainable Europe. However, this effort will only be effective in the medium and long term if it promotes a transformation aligned with the with 2030 Agenda for sustainable development with its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) agreed by all EU and world Leaders in 2015 at the United Nations. This is underlined in the new Annual Sustainable Growth Strategy for 2021. Still, the guidelines for countries to prepare their Recovery and Resilience Plans have yet to explicitly operationalize the SDGs as a key benchmark and link to the reformed European Semester. In that sense, the Sustainable Development community can be instrumental in providing knowledge and evidence as well as rigorous long-term pathways to policy makers and also helping raise awareness of the need for such transformation.


At this webinar, high-profile speakers from the European Commission, member states and leading European think tanks will exchange with SDSN’s thought leaders. Join us, as we discuss the way to align the European Recovery and the European Semester with the Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Climate Agreement.


Agenda 10h-11h30, Oct. 22

10h-10h45 How can the SDGs strengthen the EU Recovery Plan?


  • Eloïse Bodin – Policy analyst, Institute for European Environmental Policy (IEEP)
  • Estelle Goeger – Member of Cabinet of the Commissioner for Economy Paolo Gentiloni at European Commission
  • Jorge Núñez Ferrer – Senior Research Fellow, Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS)


10h45-11h30 How can knowledge networks engage with the EU’s key instruments and their implementation in member states?

  • Discussion with chairs and managers of the European SDSN networks

Learn more:

Find the recording of the session as well as a summary of the speakers’ interventions right here.

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