Black Sea Accelerator

Facilitated by H2020 BRIDGE-BS and DOORS Black Sea projects, the Black Sea Accelerator supports the scaling up of sustainable businesses operating in the Blue Economy across the Black Sea by offering services to strengthen market analysis and develop successful business models, pitching capacity, and matchmaking opportunities with funding and investments.  A number of relevant blue economy sectors and technologies, either established or emerging need innovative solutions: Ocean observation and monitoring; Ports, Transport & Logistics; Fisheries & Aquaculture practices; Tourism and recreational activities; Blue-biotech and related products; Sustainable and renewable energy; Nature-based solutions and services (coastal/marine). Primarily targeting Black Sea (based) applicants, but also open to non-regional applicants interested in expanding their solutions in the Black Sea region. The Accelerator will accept solutions starting from TRL 4 and onwards.

For more information, visit the dedicated webpage:

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