The final outcome of the Budapest Water Summit 2016, the Budapest Water Summit 2016 Messages and Policy Recommendations was prepared by the Drafting Group, responsible for the elaboration of the Summit’s final document. The Group held its first meeting in Tihany, Hungary on July 22-24 2016 and developed the first version of the document. After several rounds of discussion through online exchanges the Messages and the Policy Recommendations have been discussed in detail by the Summit’s session actors (Chair, Rapporteurs, Keynote speakers, Panel participants, Moderators) as well as with the conveners and participants of the four Fora.
In order to reflect the views of all stakeholders, the draft document was put on the Summit’s webpage in early November for public consultation, and was also sent to the participants before and during the Summit. To integrate the outcomes of the different sessions and fora in the closing document, the Drafting Group held its second meeting on November 29.
On the last day of the Budapest Water Summit 2016 the Messages and the Policy Recommendations were introduced to the participants by Professor András Szöllősi-Nagy, Chair of the Drafting Committee emphasized that the messages define a set of actions for uptake by stakeholders as they move forward to achieve SDG6 by 2030.
Regarding the five high level messages it was highlighted water is not only the most critical natural asset, but also is an enabler and an inter-connector. At the same time the document stresses that the increased water-related vulnerability and insecurity of populations worldwide demand an urgent response. It clearly points out that acting now is a matter of human dignity, justice and survival.
In order to give concrete and pragmatic solutions to challenges related to water, the closing document has identified a broad and comprehensive asset of actions which was welcomed by the participants. As an annex to the Messages, the so called Budapest Water Summit 2016 Policy Recommendations have also been elaborated, covering all the thematic areas which are directly or indirectly related to water. The Recommendations provide a list of activities that can be carried out along the lines of the SDGs and cross-cutting themes.
Download the Messages and the Policy Recommendations