CARMINE PROJECT Kick-off Meeting

The 2-day (March 12th & 13th 2024) meeting has been kicked off by the project coordinator Sorin Cheval, who provided an overview of the project and its aims and laid the ground for the partners collaboCaration in the coming years. The opening slot also featured presentations by the mayor of Brasov Allen Coliban, the CEO of the National Meteorological Administration Romania Elena Mateescu, the DG RTD Policy officer Margarita Ruiz Ramos, and the Project Officer Marko Adamovic.

The opening presentations have been followed by presentations of each Work Package. Partners discussed the activities and tasks, and agreed on the action time plan for the upcoming months.

The AE4RIA team is leading two important work packages, WP1: Co-designing Adaptation and Mitigation Actions for Climate Resilient Development and WP4: Co- developing Digital Twin Simulations to Enhance Cross-Sectoral Climate Resilience Frameworks, as well as tasks in other WPs. The team was represented by Dr. Ebun Akinsete, Ms Alice Guittard, Ms Eleni Toli, Ms Panagiota Koltsida and Pr. Elias Giannakis who presented the planned activities.

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