CATALYST Project Meeting in Vienna

From the 11th until the 13th of September 2023, a workshop of the ERASMUS+ CATALYST project took place in the premises of BEST in Vienna, Austria. AUEB was represented by Ms Lydia Papadaki (Researcher, PhDc at AUEB) and Ms Eleni Toli (Senior researcher at AUEB). In this workshop, the partners discussed the development and next steps of all WPs, focusing mainly on the synergies between WP3, WP4 and WP5, connecting the dots between created courses, instruments and services, and their connection to the platform.

Ms Papadaki presented a summary on “Leading Sustainable Systems” showing the strengths of the courses that fall in this category and Ms Toli, explained the role and importance of metadata in improving user experience and classifying courses in the CATALYST platform. Finally, it was discussed the creation of a CATALYST journal that will collect best practices and interesting findings from all participating countries.

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