Climate Change Symposium: Threats, Challenges, Solutions for Greece, DEREE University

On Wednesday 3rd April 2019 “Climate Change Symposium: Threats, Challenges, Solutions for Greece”took place at the American College of Greece, DEREE University and co-organised by DEREE University and UN SDSN Greece. Aiming at presenting the scientific content of Climate Change in Greece, specialists from different fields joined the panel showing how to formulate holistic solutions able to combat this global problem and eliminate its negative impacts for the environment and the society. The main speakers of the Symposium were:

  • Prof. Phoebe KoundouriAUEB.
  • Yannis Stournaras, Governor, Bank of Greece
  • Socrates Famellos, alternate minister for energy and environment
  • Prof. Dimitris Lalas
  • Prof. Manolis Pleionis, Director and President of the board of directors of the National Observatory of Athens (NOA)
  • Nikos Charalambides, Executive Director of Greenpeace Greece
  • Dr. Michael T. Valahas,Director, Centre of Excellence for sustainability, Office of public affairs, the American College of Greece
  • Prof. Andreas Papandreou,Professor of Environmental Economics, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
  • Prof. Stella Apostolaki, DEREE University and senior researcher at ICRE8

After the panel discussions, participants had the chance to join games related to Climate Change to enhance the understanding of CC impacts, identify level of awareness and assist the process of formulating relevant solutions. The games were:  ‘SDGs and Climate’, an interactive test of knowledge game, ‘Debating Tennis’, a game in which players debate and argue in favour or against motions/statements related to climate change and‘Stabilization Wedges Game’, a team-based exercise (a Board Game) that teaches players about the scale of the greenhouse gas problem.

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