On 24th September, ATHENA-RC and Climate-KIC Hub Greece were in invited by Climate-KIC, in collaboration with Climate-KIC Hub Croatia to participate to an ideation workshop on plastic waste management – Marine plastic litter in Sibenik, Croatia. Researchers, local municipalities, starts-up, private sector, environmental associations were invited to work together to co-develop ideas on how to tackle marine plastic issues. By using Climate-KIC system innovation tools, participants assessed the problem and focus on current gaps in projects related to these issues.
Additionally, preliminary results from the Climate-KIC BL.EU project (reduction of CO2 emission by tackling plastic marine littering in southern European waters through innovation) regarding the Croatian case study were presented. It was also an opportunity to visit the island of Zlarin, which enter the process of becoming a plastic free island with the ban of single-use plastic items.
Climate-KIC Ideation workshop on plastic waste management – Marine plastic litter

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