COASTAL latest News – October 2021

Last 2 months have been very busy for our H2020 COASTAL project.

ICRE8 (lead partner) has been presented the initial results of WP3 activities (Business & Policy support) in 3 Conferences during September 2021:

  • In the online ECSA 58 Conference (“Estuarine and coastal seas in the Anthropocene” – 6-9 Sept.2021), under the topic: “Holistic approach to successful and sustainable management”, Alice Guittard has presented the work conducted within the Greek case study (Multi-Actor Lab 5): the co-development of a Business Roadmap for Land-Sea synergies in South-West Messinia with local stakeholders from rural (agricultural sector) and coastal activities (coastal tourism and fishery). Using qualitative and quantitative system thinking approaches, the work conducted allowed the co-identification of key actions to support the region sustainable and resilient future in a collaborative manner.
  • Within the Approaches to land-sea interactions in the European Atlantic and beyond session on the online SIMAtlantic project Final conference (session 3b), Alice Guittard presented the COASTAL approach for analyzing land-sea interactions, using system dynamics models and participative approach. The panel discussion highlighted the pertinence of such approach and the replication opportunities. Recording of the session accessible here.
  • Ebun Akinsete presented the general COASTAL system approach for the sustainable development of coastal-rural areas at the UN International Conference for Sustainable Development (Parallel Session 7D).

Following this intense dissemination activity, COASTAL partners had the pleasure to finally meet again in person during the General Assembly 2021 in Rochefort, France. INRAE team (French Charente Basin MAL 4 case study leader) welcome the core partners during four days. It was an opportunity for sharing the latest project results, and agree on the key steps and prioritize actions of the project final year (COASTAL will have a project extension of 6 months with the conference final scheduled in person in Ostend, Belgium, in October 2022). The General Assembly concluded by a field visit of the case study: from an experimental research agricultural farm to an oyster local farmer, we had an overview of the key coastal-rural challenges and opportunities of the case study. We discovered innovative local farming practice for a transition from an intensive farming system to a diversified system, and the benefit of  short supply chain including direct sell to consumers within the oyster local industry.


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