COASTAL MAL2 – Final stakeholders workshop – Messinia

COASTAL MAL2 – Final stakeholders workshop – Messinia  17/03/2022

To close the loop of the COASTAL stakeholder engagement cycle, the Greek Multi Actor Lab (South West Messinia), organized a final stakeholder workshop in Costa Navarino (Romanos, Messinia). The COASTAL team presented the final version of the local land-sea System Dynamic model, illustrated by different scenarios depending on specific policy measures. Stakeholders were invited to express their perceptions on future positive and negative trends within a scenario “business-as-usual”. The second part of the workshop was dedicated to the co-design of the COASTAL business roadmap. Short-mid-long terms actions already identified were presented, stakeholders were invited one more time to contribute. The final part was dedicate to the business idea of a public-private partnership for environmental management and eco-tourism, the discussion was based  on a SWOT analysis format. Interestingly, the participant focused on the strength and opportunities of the present group to move forward together and collaborate towards a common goal. Unlike at the beginning of the project where the discussions were focusing on the problems, challenges, difficulties even when it was time to define a common desire future, the mind set has now shifted toward positive thinking and believes in collaborative process. The COASTAL approach has thus fulfill its objective of increasing coastal-rural collaboration through system thinking combining quantitative and qualitative methods. Alice Guittard from our team participated in the workshop.

Learn more about the project here.

Principal Investigator on behalf of ICRE8 is Prof. Phobe Koundouri | Team: Dr. Ebun Akinsete, Alice Guittard

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