“Crossing the Mediterranean by Boat: Mapping and Documenting Migratory Journeys and Experiences” Workshop

The Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP) in collaboration with the University of Warwick and the University of Malta have the pleasure to invite you in the closed workshop on “Crossing the Mediterranean by Boat: Mapping and Documenting Migratory Journeys and Experiences”*

“Crossing the Mediterranean by Boat: Mapping and Documenting Migratory Journeys and Experiences” is a research project that assesses the impact of policy on those that it affects most directly: refugees and migrants themselves. This event will present initial findings from the second phase of the project, which is based on 120 in-depth qualitative interviews carried out during May-June 2016 in Athens, Berlin, Istanbul and Rome. Critical insights will be provided by project researchers on the journeys and experiences of people moving via the Central and Eastern routes, including those affected by the EU-Turkey Deal and by border security operations off the Libyan coast.

The workshop will be held in English on November 11th 2016, from 9.30 am to 12.30pm, at the Electra Palace Hotel (18 Nikodimou Street, Athens).

You are kindly requested to confirm your participation to Ms Nina Papaioannou (Tel. 2107257111, e-mail: nina@eliamep.gr ) by November 7th 2016.

* The project is funded through the Economic and Social Research Council under Grant ES/N013646/1



Session I: “Retracing the migrant journey” 
9.30-9.45 Welcome and project presentation

Dr.Vicki Squire, Reader in International Security, University of Warwick &

Nina Perkowski, Researcher University of Warwick

9.45-10.00 Asylum seekers and migrants in Turkey

Dr. Maria Pisani, Lecturer, University of Malta

10.00-10.15 Stranded in Greece

Dr. Angeliki Dimitriadi, Research Fellow, ELIAMEP

10.15-10.30 Destination Germany

Assoc. Prof. Dallal Stevens, Associate Professor of Law, University of Warwick

10.30-10.45 The other Mediterranean crisis: Italy

Prof. Nick Vaughan-Williams, Professor of International Security, University of Warwick

10.45-11.00 Commentary on presentations

Angelos Athanasopoulos, Journalist TOVIMAgr

11.00-11.20 Coffee break
Session II
11.20-12.30 Q&A and Roundtable discussion

Moderated by Angelos Athanasopoulos, Journalist TOVIMAgr


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