CSP4Climate 2020 International Conference

Venue: online
Date: 15-17 December 2020


Prof. Koundouri gave a speech on EU Research and Innovation Action Agenda at the online CSP4 Climate conference.

Session 4: Research and Innovation Action Agendas to enable the Energy Transition

Session Chair: Mr. Fabio Montagnino, Head of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, The Cyprus Institute, Cyprus.

EU Research and Innovation Action Agenda:        Prof. Phoebe Koundouri, Athens University of Economics and Business; President-Elect EAERE; Co-Chair SDSN Europe

Research and Innovation Actions towards the implementation of the National Energy and Climate Plan of Cyprus:                Prof. Alexandros Charalambides, Cyprus University of Technology. Cyprus.

Adherence to the Paris Agreement:         Prof. Constantinos Cartalis, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.

Learn more at: https://csp4climate.cyi.ac.cy/

Programme: https://csp4climate.cyi.ac.cy/programme

Learn more at: CSP4Climate 2020 International Conference / Sustainable Development Solutions Network Greece (unsdsn.gr)


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