The overall objective of DAFNE is to establish a decision-analytic framework (DAF) for Participatory and Integrated Planning (PIP). The DAF is a multi-step procedure that will enable the extensive, quantitative analysis of the anticipated effects of alternative planning options on the broad range of heterogeneous and often competing interests in transboundary river basins ultimately facilitating comparison and negotiation based on
- active engagement of stakeholders in the process from the outset of the project, and
- integration of multiple and diverse international and local academic expertise ranging from natural sciences, water engineering, and environmental economics, to water governance and laws in order to develop tools to facilitate social understanding of the impact and support comparative analysis of the alternative through negotiations.
The DAFNE decision-analytic framework incorporates a quantitative assessment tool, which allows the detection of feedback mechanisms between the WEF components. As outlined in the sections below, it will be established through the following steps:
1) Compilation of data to characterize the hydrologic, engineering developments, social systems, economic systems, and terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems;
2) Definition of the objectives of infrastructure and agricultural expansion;
3) Identification of stakeholders and their concerns, needs, and expectations, as well as their knowledge; and
4) Identification and assessment of robust water management alternatives, or temporal sequences thereof (pathways).
Project Coordinator: ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Funded by: European Commission, DG Research and Innovation, 2016.
Call: H2020-WATER-2015-two-stage, Topic: WATER-5c-2015
Budget: € 3,150,000
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