CE Beacons intend to create eco-system services catalyzing systemic circular transition in West Balkans, leaning on systems innovation. These services will be consisted of a redesigned set of frameworks, tools and training methods already successfully implemented in EU, but applicable to WB countries. These services are intended to be sold primarily to business sector for a fee. Such a cross-national ecosystem is demanded by Chambers of Commerce, ministries and the business sector.
The eco-system services intend to: i) establish a CE network on WB and beyond to develop and implement circular innovation in business and policy ii) connect countries through shared circular Vision, Information, Resources and Experience on strategic and operational levels. Iii) nurture shared learning among “Beacons” raising capacity for systemic circular change, iv) work on cross-boarder partnerships to promote place-based hotspots, and v) reduce total negative impacts by changing current market design.
The second year of CE BEACONS is dedicated to
1. reality check for new processes and knowledge,
2. increase of impact
3. creating purposeful systemic networks around CE and
4 pinging the market for demand articulation.
This year we will experiment with our business model, we will make stronger base of CE BEACONS, we will engage with new companies and we will transfer the focus of implementation from Serbia and Romania to Bulgaria and Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Finally, we will create first connections with Circular Urban development, involving local governments, and we will create an important research framework on defining the circular innovation urban hotspots, in order to, s be able to recognize and boost circular innovation and raise the bottom-up approach in later years.
Status: Active
Start Date:
End Date: 12/2021
Responsible: Director Prof. Phoebe Koundouri
Association Climate KIC, Wuppertal Institute of Climate, Environment and Energy, Cleantech Bulgaria, Timis Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture (CCIAT), Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia, CENTAR ZA CIRKULARNU EKONOMIJU CIREKON d.o.o (Project Leader)