Maritime ClimAccelerator

The Maritime ClimAccelerator, supported by EIT Climate-KIC, through its vast network of collaborators, will offer participating start-ups funding, training, peer to peer coaching and theme-specific mentoring (both virtually and in-person). 30-40 start-ups will be accepted per year and will be asked to provide innovative solutions for the transition to sustainability of the maritime industry, both locally and globally, and will be given the opportunity to present their ideas in front of investors, port authorities and shipping companies. The Maritime ClimAccelerator will thus provide start-ups with a unique opportunity to test, demonstrate and validate their solution.

Cyprus University of TechnologySustainable Development Unit of ATHENA RCFundacion ValenciaportDigital Hub Logistics HamburgCyprus Energy AgencyChrysalis LEAPUniversitat Politecnica de ValenciaAthens Centre for Entrepreneurship and Innovation – ACEin and UNI.FUND,  together with a vast network of collaborators from around the world, are committed in both supporting and developing start-ups and assisting the maritime industry achieve its climate targets.

If you are aligned with our vision and values, and if you would like to support us, please contact us here and we will get back to you soon.
Project Coordinator on behalf of ATHENA RC: Prof. Phoebe Koundouri (Director EIT Climate-KIC Hub Greece and Scientific Responsible of Sustainable Development Unit at ATHENA RC) Team: Lydia Papadaki, Nikos Mavrogiannakis.
Learn more about Maritime ClimAccelerator at:

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