Feb 22, 2016
Following the adoption of the Addis Ababa Action Agenda (AAAA) during the Third International Conference on Financing for Development (FfD) in July 2015, the development of a strong follow-up and review mechanism remains a high priority. A first Follow-up Forum on FfD is scheduled for April 2016, yet the details and concrete design of the process are still undefined.
There is considerable crossover when following-up on the AAAA and Sustainable Development Goal agreements. While many AAAA commitments are captured in the 169 SDG targets and will be monitored by the Inter-agency and Expert Group on SDG Indicators of the UN Statistical Commission, this is not the case for all AAAA commitments. This raises the question of whether additional indicators on financing for development need to be developed and, if so, what some of these indicators could be.
This paper, prepared by the SDSN Secretariat, considers what aspects of the AAAA are already being monitored by the SDG indicator framework and identifies gaps, before reviewing a sample set of issues that should be measured using additional AAAA-specific indicators. In a second part, it presents options for establishing an indicator-based global monitoring process, as well as complementary monitoring processes at regional and national levels, and amongst non-governmental actors. It critically evaluates the feasibility of each option, before setting out key recommendations for Member States.