If you do not have a permanent academic position and have obtained your PhD in the last three years you may be interested in applying for an AXA Post-Doctoral Fellowship with Professor Raphael Markellos at NBS/UEA (Norwich Business School, University of East Anglia) at in one of the following areas: environmental finance and risk management, social media data modelling/risk mining, estimation risk management, and, economic drivers of risk in transportation.
There are 25 fellowships available, each worth up to €130,000 over up to two years.
In 2017 the AXA Research Fund will be proposing up to 25 Post-Doctoral Fellowships to outstanding researchers. You can be awarded a grant for up to €130,000 for an 18 to 24 month period. All research institutions willing to host Post-Doctoral Fellowship candidates that are registered in the AXA Research Fund database will be receiving AXA two bottom-up calls for applications.
More details on the scheme here: www.axa-research.org/en/page/post-doctoral-fellowships