International Cluster for Research on Sustainability Transition | Six Month Report June-December 2021

This Six Month Report outlines the activities of the International Cluster for Research and Innovation on Sustainability (ICRI-Sustainability), an unofficial umbrella of the following institutions and networks, which are founded,  directed or chaired  by Prof. Phoebe Koundouri.  ICRI-Sustainability includes two research and innovation institutions: ReSEES Laboratory at Athens University of Economics and BusinessSustainable Development Unit (SD.U) at ATHENA Research Center, two innovation acceleration institutions:   EIT Climate KIC Hub Greece and BRIGAID Connect Association, and supports four networks: SDSN EuropeSDSN GreeceWater Europe and NEXUS Cluster.


Dear colleagues and friends,

Instead of a newsletter opening note,  I decided to share with you a short opinion of mine on the way forward towards Sustainability Transition published in the June 2021 Edition of Global Energy Interconnection Information (special issue on North America pp. 55-56 link) and a short video with my assessment of the COP26.

Together with my warm wishes for a safe and creative 2022, I want to thank my talented (and expanding) team for their excellence! A team is not just a group of people that work together; a team is a group of people that trust each other, learn from each other, and have a common vision for the future. Our vision is the interdisciplinary, science-driven  and participatory-based implementation of UN Agenda 2030 and  the European Green Deal, towards a green and digital, job- based and fair future, that will leave no-one behind.

Enjoy the report and contact us should you want to collaborate with us. Global resilience and progress can be achieved only through collaboration.

Professor Phoebe Koundouri, Athens University of Economics and Business; Fellow World Academy of Art and Science ; President-Elect of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists ; Director International Cluster for Research on Sustainability Transition


Read the Six Month Report here

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