Two-Year Post-Doc Position at the University of Bologna (Rimini Campus)

Modelling and measuring the socio-economic impact of climate change: the Blue Economy sectors in the European islands

The Centre for Advanced Studies in Tourism at the University of Bologna (Italy), Rimini Campus, is looking for candidates for a two-year Post-Doc position. Applicants should hold a recent PhD in Economics or Statistics (or related fields) or be close to finishing their thesis. The ideal candidate should be interested and/or have some research experience in areas of applied economics, with particular reference to environmental and/or tourism economics. Publications in these fields would be an advantage. Strong attitude towards applied research, good knowledge of micro and macro econometrics and expertise in the use of statistical software (R, STATA) are required. Good knowledge of Academic English (written andspoken) is necessary. Knowledge of data scraping techniques and computer programming (e.g. Python) would be an advantage. The candidate will be working on Work Package 5 and Work Package 6 of the H2020 project ““SOCLIMPACT – Downscaling climate impacts and decarbonisation pathways in EU islands, and enhancing socioeconomic and non-market evaluation of Climate Change for Europe, for 2050 and beyond”, an international partnership of 24 Institutions led by the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (further information on the project is available at Within SOCLIMPACT, the main goal of these work packages is to estimate the socio-economic impact of climate change, with particular reference to marine and coastal ecosystems (inputs for Blue Economy sectors), in the European islands.

The successful candidate will be working with the team of researchers involved in SOCLIMPACT project and will participate to the normal activities of the Centre for Advanced Studies in Tourism and of the other departments involved in the project (Department of Statistics, Department of Economics). The position will start on September, 2018. The gross salary will be of € 25,000 per year, including social security contributions but tax-free (the net salary will be around € 20,000).

Interested candidates should apply trough the University of Bologna website before the deadline of June the 29th, 2018. Interested candidates are invited to contact the project supervisor (Prof. Paolo Figini – should they need further information.

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