The selected applicants may join the research team led by Prof. Valentina Bosetti at Bocconi University (Department of Economics) within the context of a European Research Council (ERC) project on RISk and uncertainty in developing and Implementing Climate change pOlicies (RISICO).
The researcher will be recruited to work on one of the following topics:
- Modeling (climate change) decision making under uncertainty
- Integrating uncertainty, risk biases and perception issues in communicating (climate change) science
- Experimental economics
Gross salary is negotiable and competitive with the best research and academic institutions.
The candidates should have a Phd (or be close to completion) in either computational economics/science, behavioral or experimental economics, or decision sciences.
How to apply
Applicants should send to
– Detailed curriculum
– Cover letter
Two letters of recommendation will be required for shortlisted candidates.