Two year postdoc position at Bocconi University (Milan, Italy) starting June 2017

The selected applicants may join the research team led by Prof. Valentina Bosetti at Bocconi University (Department of Economics) within the context of a European Research Council (ERC) project on RISk and uncertainty in developing and Implementing Climate change pOlicies (RISICO).

The researcher will be recruited to work on one of the following topics:

  1. Modeling (climate change) decision making under uncertainty
  2. Integrating uncertainty, risk biases and perception issues in communicating (climate change) science
  3. Experimental economics

Gross salary is negotiable and competitive with the best research and academic institutions.



The candidates should have a Phd (or be close to completion) in either computational economics/science, behavioral or experimental economics, or decision sciences.


How to apply

Applicants should send to

– Detailed curriculum

– Cover letter

Two letters of recommendation will be required for shortlisted candidates.

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