DOORS project | 2nd General Assembly meeting

From Tuesday 7th June until Friday 10th June 2022, the second General Assembly of the DOORS H2020 funded project took place in the Burgas Free University in Bulgaria. The goal of this meeting was to bring together all partners and country leaders and discuss the progress and development of the project.


The Sustainability Development Unit (SDU) operates under the Athena Research Centre was represented by Ms. Lydia Papadaki. SDU will be heavily involved in Stakeholder Engagement and interaction (WP8), also leading the Formation of Multi-Actor Forums (MAFs). Due to its longstanding expertise in business development, it will contribute to the support of the sustainable solutions and companies (WP6) and to capacity building (formal and informal learning, education, training and use of knowledge transfer) across the region through stakeholder interaction (WP7) and through Communication and Dissemination (WP9) in the large network of actors within its reach.



The project brings together expertise and technology from 37 institutions from the Black Sea region and other European countries to address the human and climate change impacts on damaged ecosystems. The work of DOORS will open up the region for unparalleled economic opportunities for business in areas of tourism, technology, fishing, shipbuilding, maritime transport, education, renewables and much more. Emerging ‘blue growth’ sectors will be supported and the nurturing of start-ups accelerated as we build community understanding, supporting a new generation of active citizens and industry. People will want to visit us, students will want to study here, companies will want to invest here.

Find more here.


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