On 31st March Prof. Phoebe Koundouri gave an invited presentation in the Eawag Seminar Series (Spring Semester 2022) organized by the Eawag – Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology.
The title of her presentation was on “Smart Water Futures: Decision making under ambiguity” and she presented the new European Research Council Synergy Grant on “Smart Water Futures: Designing the Next Generation of Urban Drinking Water Systems” | acronym: WaterFutures
Prof. Koundouri highlighted:
“World’s cities are expanding. Some 70% of people will live in urban areas by 2050. This growth brings with itself one big challenge: water. New water infrastructures went historically hand in hand with urban development. However, in the past, changes happened often because cities needed to react to crises and immediate needs – not as a result of real planning. Urban water planners were unable to take into account short-term and long-term, deeply uncertain and ambiguous factors affecting urban development and water demand. These factors, together with increasingly uncertain climate conditions, have increased the need for a more holistic and intelligent decision-making framework for managing water infrastructures in the cities of the future. The central focus of this seminar is to study decision-making under uncertainty”.
Learn more here