Read the Lancet COVID-19 Commission Second Statement, “Enhancing Global Cooperation to End the COVID-19 Pandemic” by Jeffrey Sachs, the Lancet COVID-19 Commissioners, Task Force Chairs, and Commission Secretariat. Prof. Phoebe Koundouri, is one of the Commissioners and Green Recovery Task Force co-chair, together with Dr Ismail Serageldin, Founding Director of the Bibliotheca Alexandrina, Former World Bank Vice President and Min Zhu, Deputy Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund lead the Green Recovery Task Force.
This is the overview statement of the Commission, published in February 2021 alongside our Comment published in Lancet on February 12, 2021 detailing the three top priorities for multilateral cooperation to suppress the COVID-19 pandemic in 2021, including 1) containment of transmission, 2) rapid vaccination, and 3) increased emergency finance.
Read the Second Statement at:
Read the Comment at: