Project summary:
The EXCEED – EXCELLENCE IN GREEN AND DIGITAL MANUFACTURING project aims at establishing a European COVE network of 6 centres in 5 countries, Italy, Spain, Finland, Czech Republic, and Greece to support innovation and sustainable competitiveness of the Advanced Manufacturing (AM) sector. As one of the pillars of the European economy, AM has been strongly impacted by the twin transitions, generating disruptive changes, beside the urgency to foster industry decarbonization. To face those changes and new challenges, citizens, present and future workforce needs new competencies, for life and work. VET providers can play a crucial role preparing the workforce and the society of the future, no one left behind, increasing their responsiveness, operating in strong connection with policy levels. EXCEED assumes the synergic and mutual benefitting application of digital and green, according to the so-called “digital eco-innovation” paradigm and the transition to the circular digital economy as powerful leverages to accelerate innovation in AM.
Involving a public-private platform of overall 39 partners, 18 full and 21 associates, EXCEED will work as an alive integrated skills ecosystem, promoting, 1) upskilling and reskilling of low-skilled adults and workers at risk of marginalization through a joint internationalized, flexible and individualized Life Long Learning training offer; 2) strengthening the HIGHER VET (EQF 4 and 5) through design of new curricula and updating of existing ones; 3) adopting joint strategies for Talent Management by the establishment of an International Talent Factory, aware of the fact that talented and skilled individuals have a key role to play in countries’ future prosperity; 4) upskilling and empowerment VET professionals as key profiles translating innovation in education contexts. In 4 years, partners expect to involve at least n. 600 learners and an overall number of 26.000 beneficiaries through an extensive multichannel communication strategy.
Duration: Start date 1 June 2023 – End date 31 May 2027
Budget: € 2 582 433.00
39 partners
Coordinated by CENTOFORM SRL
ATHENA RC – Sustainable Development Unit
Principal Investigator
Prof. Phoebe Koundouri
Team Membres:
Dr. Ebun Akinsete Aggelika Mexia Monika Mavragani Irini Rikgopoulou