European Commission training course on sustainable management of ephimeral rivers: SMIRES, ATHENA Research Centre

From 4thto 6thFebruarySMIRES training was organized by ATHENA RCand ICRE8, where eight lecturers spoke on different subjects in a three-day workshop:

  • Prof. Phoebe Koundouri– “Sustainable development goals, MEA and Agenda 2030- Links to Management of Intermittent Rivers and Ephemeral Streams Room”
  • Dr. Emmanouil Tyllianakis – “Theory and application session I: Valuation of natural resources for sustainable development”
  • Asst. Prof. Achilleas Vassilopoulos– “Theory and application session II: Non-market valuation methods- Choice & Lab Experiments, Contingent valuation”
  • Prof. Andreas Papandreou– “Sustainable IRES management under climate change”
  • Prof. Phoebe Koundouri– “Linking water values to water prices: Deriving and managing values in a river basin”
  • Dr. Stella Tsani– “Theory and application III: Benefit transfer methods”
  • Dr. Ebun Akinsete– “Participatory approaches to Ecosystem Services valuation”
  • Adj. Prof. Stella Apostolaki– “Water features and rivers as part of the urban design: Services provided, past and current trends”

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