EXCEED Second Transnational Project Meeting

The 2nd Transnational Project Meeting of the EXCEED – EXCELLENCE IN GREEN AND DIGITAL MANUFACTURING project was held in Barcelona on June 18-19, 2024, with representatives from all project partners in attendance. ATHENA Research Center was represented by Voula Samara, who presented the team’s progress.

The meeting commenced with Elena Romanini from Centoform (COO) welcoming everyone and outlining the day’s agenda. Each Work Package (WP) reported on their progress:

The overall state of the art of the project is in line with the original work and the foreseen timeline. WP leaders and co-leaders are requested to develop the WP ANNUAL IMPLEMENTATION REPORT, BY USING THE SHARED TEMPLATE and to report all the activities carried out by the 30th of June 2024. Emy Zecca from the University of Ferrara shared with all participants the positive feedback the EXCEED Scientific Committee provided regarding some of the finalized deliverables, namely Social the Impact methodology and the Observatory methodology.

WP2 – COCREATING SKILLS ECOSYSTEM The first ANNUAL ACTIVITY REPORT AND THE ANNUAL HIGHLIGHTS are under finalization. The University of Oulu shared the progress of the Observatory and the work they are doing also in cooperation with the other members of the Finnish CoVE. All partners, especially the COO underlined that the activity of the Observatory will be crucial to support the revision/updating of the 12 existing EQF 4 and 5 curricula and, first for the co-design of the n. 4 brand-new curricula.

POLICY BOARD STUDY VISIT: On the 19th partners and policy board members had a joint session to discuss and bridge between design of innovative curricula and policies. The session had the form of a Word cafè. CIS facilitated the workshop together with ART-ER and the results of the participants’ interactions will be further analyzed and will be reported soon. As an introductory session, before entering the Word Cafè dynamics, GENCAT shared with participants a presentation regarding its recent regional law for VET curricula innovation as a best practice. Our Policy Board Member was Mrs. Athineou Efstathia from the Ministry of Climate Crisis and Civil Protection.

The design principles and the methodological guidelines for curricula design and development have been finalized. During the workshop delivered on the 18th of June in the afternoon, partners under the facilitation of CIS and Centoform worked on how to use/apply the guidelines to some on the selected curricula (extracted from Teams) to be updated.


Led by ATHENA Research Center,  presented its progress in terms of the projects ‘social media presence, the creation of the first Newsletter and the upcoming webinar on Green and Digital Skills to be organized by ATHENA RC in October featuring Professor Phoebe Koundouri and Dr. Conrad Landis presenting the findings of the HUAWEI paper.

All participants were given a tour of the Escola Del Treball, the VET center in Advanced Manufacturing which hosted the meeting.

Learn more about the project at: https://exceed-cove.eu/

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