The ARID Cluster will review and consolidate the work of three currently funded EU projects with a view at ensuring that through collaboration, information sharing and dissemination a consistent set of recommendations and user friendly tools and methodologies for water management in arid and semi arid areas are developed. The three projects have concentrated their research efforts on integrated water resource management based on GIS databases. They all draw on hydrological, socio-economic and institutional data but each one of them places emphasis on different determinants of water supply and demand conditions: e.g. co-evolutionary dynamics, participation of end-users and socio-economics. The proposal will serve to bring together each project’s existing and acquired expertise to improve knowledge on water resources use and management in areas prone of water shortages and drought.
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Grant agreement ID: EVK1-CT-2002-80018
Duration: Start date 1 February 2003 – End date 31 January 2006
Budget: Overall budget € 245 491 – EU contribution € 245 491
3 partners
Coordinated by: UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON, United Kingdom