On 29th of June 2023, the second seminar of the MENA Maritime Accelerator on “Green Energy, Energy Savings, Energy Communities”, took place virtually and aimed to introduce representatives of Port Organizations and Municipal Port Funds, as well as marina managers in Greece to the basic principles of green energy, energy saving, energy communities, challenges and women for zero emissions in ports and marinas.
Efi Korma (Head Of the Market Development Department at the Centre for Renewable Energy Sources and Saving (CRES) introduced the role of Energy Communities, as well as the European and National framework that governs them, while Thalis Zis (Assistant Professor in the Department of Commerce, Finance, and Shipping in the Cyprus University of Technology (CUT) presented the status, challenges and opportunities towards a Zero Emissions Port Stay. Giorgos Pehlivanoglou (General Manager of the Eunice group) presented the role of small wind turbines, autonomy, and domestic electrification systems for the country’s port facilities.