BLUEMED is the research and innovation Initiative for promoting the blue economy in the Mediterranean Basin through cooperation. It is the strategy of reference for the Mediterranean countries to work together for a healthy, safe and productive Mediterranean Sea. The BLUEMED Initiative will contribute to the creation of new ‘blue’ jobs, social wellbeing and a sustainable growth in the marine and maritime sectors through the implementation of its Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda, the BLUEMED SRIA.
The BlueMed SRIA: The BLUEMED Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (BLUEMED SRIA) provides the tool for all public and private stakeholders involved in the development of the BLUEMED Initiative. The BLUEMED SRIA outlines a set of key challenges for the Mediterranean and particularly knowledge gaps, specific activities enabling the blue growth as well as measures for capacity creation and skills’ enhancement.
BlueMed Platforms: Public dialogue with concerned national stakeholders is essential for implementing the objectives of the BLUEMED Initiative and in particular for the monitoring and the update process of the SRIA. As a tool to ensure constant consultation, four thematic Platforms at Mediterranean level will be created.
The BLUEMED Coordination and Support Action (CSA) has been funded by the European Commission within the H2020 framework programme and it aims at supporting the implementation of the BLUEMED Initiative.
Project Website:
Grant agreement No 727453 / Funded by: European Commission
Duration: Start date 1 October 2016 – End date 31 March 2021
Budget: € 2 998 000
13 partners
Project Coordinator: Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR), Italy