Horizon 2020 | DOORS: Developing an Optimal and Open Research Support system to unlock the potential for blue growth in the Black Sea (BS)

Developing an Optimal and Open Research Support system to unlock the potential for blue growth in the Black Sea (BS)-  (DOORS)

DOORS will bring the four pillars of the SRIA into reality, turning the challenges into opportunities for a highly valued Black Sea. It will harmonise research and provide the infrastructure to better understand the Black Sea, particular ecosystem characteristics, develop the framework to support Blue Growth and early development of start-ups, and provide evidence to inform policy and behavioural change. To reach its ambitious objectives, the project team will work closely with stakeholders from the start to develop an open research system and establish a framework to support continuous stakeholder dialogue. DOORS will implement three Work Programmes: a System of Systems to harmonise approaches and provide an accessible data repository, a Blue Growth Accelerator to support enterprise, and Knowledge Transfer and Training to share best practice and build capacity. These will:

  •  Engage stakeholders through communication, dissemination and training activities to raise awareness, build capacity and foster a stronger Black Sea identity
  •  Harmonise data collation, analysis and access to optimise data use in decision and policy making
  •  Strengthen the Black Sea scientific network through new collaborations, and bridge the gap between science and policy
  •  Provide a range of products to support Black Sea innovation and enterprise

DOORS will have long-lasting impact by giving stakeholders in the region the skillsets and understanding to:

  •  Implement key policies and legislation
  •  Improve environmental quality and reduce pollution risk
  •  Design measures to mitigate pollution and remediate historically contaminated areas
  •  Become resilient communities • Realise and sustainably develop potential economic growth for future well-being
  •  Build capacity in existing industries, develop new start-ups and become actively involved in delivering Blue Growth
  • Create ocean informed citizens to better understand Black Sea’s potential

Official website

Grant agreement ID: 101000518

 Duration:Start date 1 June 2021 – End date 31 May 2025

 Budget: Overall € 9 795 350 EU contribution€ 9 000 000

36 partners

Coordinated by Institutul National De Cercetare-Dezvoltare Pentru Geologie Si Geoecologie Marina-Geoecomar, Romania


Partnership: Athena – Research & Innovation Information Technologies, ATHENA RC – GREECE


DOORS is an EU Horizon 2020 project, funded under Framework Programme for Research and Innovation under grant agreement No 101000518


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