Prof. Koundouri has served as a European Commission independent expert in the mid-term review of two H2020 projects on climate services market research
Duration: 2018 – 2019
EU-MACS – EUropean MArket for Climate Services
Prof. Koundouri has served as a European Commission independent expert in the mid-term review of EU-MACS H2020 project on climate services market research
Our goal is to improve matching of supply with demand
As follow-up of the European Research and Innovation Roadmap for Climate Services for Climate Services, the European Commission (EC) promoted a comprehensive analysis and evaluation of the market potential of climate services. The project EU-MACS (EUropean MArket for Climate Services) has been a part of these efforts. In this framing, EU-MACS analysed market structures and drivers, obstacles and opportunities from scientific, technical, legal, ethical, governance and socioeconomic vantage points. This resulted inter alia in overall and sector specific analysis and ranking of drivers and barriers of innovation and uptake of climate services, as well as in identified ways to incentivise demand for and supply of market solutions matching users’ knowledge needs. The analysis is grounded in economic and social science embedded innovation theories on how service markets with public and private features can develop, and how innovations may succeed.
- Start date1 November 2016 – End date 31 December 2018
- Funded under: H2020-EU.3.5.1.
- Funded by the European Union under Horizon 2020 – Fighting and adapting to climate change. Project ref. 730500
- Coordinated by: ILMATIETEEN LAITOS, Finland
MARCO- MArket Research for a Climate Services Observatory
MARCO will run for two years and involves 11 partners from six countries across Europe. Coordinated by the European Climate-KIC, it gathers market research firms, climate scientists, climate services practitioners and innovation actors to provide detailed insight into the climate services market in Europe.
In addition to assessing this market, the project will carry out case studies, forecast future user needs, assess market growth until 2030, unveil opportunities, raise awareness and connect service providers and users.
Finally, the recommendations made by MARCO to policy-makers may enable the creation of an EU climate services market observatory that will help monitor and evaluate the growth of the market.
The MARCO project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Program.
- Grant agreement ID: 730272
- Funded under: H2020-EU.3.5.1.
- Coordinated by: CLIMATE KIC, France
- Start date1 November 2016 – End date31 December 2018
The overarching EU call topic of climate services market research covers two topics, which are addressed in MARCO and its sister project EU-MACS (EUropean MArket for Climate Services).
EU-MACS gathers 9 partners and will make the wealth of climate information truly accessible and applicable for a large variety of potential climate service users. In cooperation with current and potential CS users, the project will develop mechanisms that should assist both CS providers and users in better matching their products, capabilities, and needs, while at the same time also smoothing the processes for searching, selecting, tailoring, and (decision oriented) using climate service products.
MARCO and EU-MACS will collaborate on the following similar but not identical fields of action:
- Business modeling and innovation dynamics
- Market inventories and stakeholder engagement
- Some of the case studies.
The synergies will be created through common/joint actions, meetings and reports.