DG RTD – Evaluation Study on the implementation of Cross Cutting Issues in Horizon 2020
In this DG RTD project, PPMI, ATHENA RC, MERRIT and KNOW-HOW will design and apply a dedicated methodology, including a set of case studies and benchmarking exercises, to assess the implementation of the cross-cutting issues under Horizon 2020 since its start in 2014, with a focus on the later part 2017-2020 (after the H2020 Interim evaluation) and summarising all achievements for the whole H2020 period.
The study will include the identification and analysis of barriers and drivers to deliver on its objectives. It shall identify what worked well and less well, in order to learn on how best to define, implement and monitor such overarching priorities in future programmes. It shall present concrete and actionable recommendations for the short term (2022-2023) and for the longer term (2024 and beyond).
The study lists four specific objectives:
- Addressing the evaluation criteria of state of play, relevance, efficiency and effectiveness for the 12 H2020 Cross-Cutting Issues.
- To design and apply a dedicated methodology, including by performing an in-depth analysis of each of the 12 cross-cutting issues, including their implementation and monitoring, and taking into account evidence produced in Horizon 2020 interim evaluation.
- Identification and analysis of the determinants of impacts of the cross-cutting issues, including what worked well and less well, in order to learn on how best to define, implement and monitor such overarching priorities in future programmes.
- Analysis for and provision recommendations for the short term (2022-2023) and for the longer term (2024 and beyond). The study will feed into the overarching ex-post evaluation of Horizon 2020, and will inform the implementation of Horizon Europe in the future multi-annual financial framework (2021-2027).
Tender: DG RTD
Duration: 10 months (November 2021 – August 2022)
Budget: 249.850euro
From ATHENA RC team:
- Prof. Phoebe Koundouri, ATHENA RC is a senior expert in Sustainable Development, Climate Change and Biodiversity Case Study.
- Xaris Papageorgiou, ATHENA RC is a senior expert in Social Sciences and Humanities and Interdisciplinarity Case Studies.
- Dr. Conrad Landis, Senior Researcher, Adjunct Lecturer, AUEB
Publication: European Commission, Directorate-General for Research and Innovation, Naujokaitytė, R., Mačiulienė, M., Stančiauskas, V. et al., Evaluation study on the implementation of cross-cutting issues in Horizon 2020 – Study in support of the ex-post evaluation of the European Framework Programme for Research and Innovation Horizon 2020, Dirham, S.(editor), Publications Office of the European Union, 2023, https://data.europa.eu/doi/10.2777/763665