IAPS 2022 Conference | Lisbon, 4- 8 July 2022

On Thursday, July 7, Prof. Phoebe Koundouri gave the keynote speech at the 27th Conference of the International Association for Human-Environmental Studies (IAPS 2022). The title of the conference was: “Global Challenges, Local Impacts: Rethinking Governance, Sustainability and Consumption in Light of Climate Change” and was held online on 5-8 July 2022.

Prof. Koundouri spoked on Transformations for the Sustainability Transition: Policy and Methodological Consideration. She highlighted the need for cross-mapping SDGs national performance with the progress of implementation of the European Green Deal and the allocation of National Recovery and Resilience funds.

Her keynote was followed by a session on European Research Council funding, during which she had a dialogue with ERC official on her experience as an ERC Synergy awardee, as well as ERC panel reviewer! In one sentence she said that an ERC award is “a piece of paradise for any devoted and passionate researcher”.



For more information, visit the IAPS website

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