
Advisory Board Chair

Phoebe Koundouri


Chair of Advisory Board, ICRE8; Professor in Economic Theory and Econometrics, AUEB

Phoebe Koundouri, is a world-renowned environmental economics professor and global leader in sustainable development. She is widely recognized as a pioneer in innovative, human-centric, interdisciplinary systems for the sustainable interaction between nature, society, and the economy. She is listed in the most-cited women economists in the world, with 15 published books and more than 450 published peer reviewed scientific papers, book chapters and reports

She is Professor at the Athens University of Economics and Business (AUEB), director of Research laboratory on Socio-Economic and Environmental Sustainability – ReSEES at AUEB, focusing on policy relevant interdisciplinary research on environmental, natural resources and energy issues, Director of the Sustainable Development Unit at ATHENA Information Technology Research and Innovation Center focusing on green and digital transition, Director of the EIT Climate-KIC HUB Greece of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology, focusing on innovation acceleration and research commercialization. She is the President of the European Association of Environmental and Natural Resource Economists (EAERE, the largest scientific association in the world focusing on natural resources economics, with more than 1200 member scientific institutes from more than 85 countries), elected member of the World Academy of Art & Science, (WAAS); She co- chairs the United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network – Europe, and SDSN Greece. She is director of the International Cluster for Research and Innovation on Sustainability (IcriSUSTAIN), which includes 2 research and innovation institutions: ReSEES Laboratory at AUEB, S.D.U at ATHENA Research Center, 2 innovation acceleration institutions:   EIT Climate KIC Hub Greece and BRIGAID Connect Association, and supports 4 networks: SDSN Europe, SDSN Greece, Water Europe and NEXUS Cluster. Its governing bodies work together as the International Cluster for Research and Innovation on Sustainability (IcriSUSTAIN), with more than 200 researchers and a $ 500 million ten-year budget from competitive funding. IcriSUSTAIN research results have shaped European and national policies.

She is member of the Pissarides Committee (10 year Greek Development Plan) chaired by Nobelist Prof. C. Pissarides and member of the National Climate Change Committee of Greece. She is Commissioner and the “Green Recovery” Task Force Leader of the global COVID-19 Lancet Commission, she co-leads the SDSN European Green Deal Senior Working Group. 

 Since 1997 she has coordinated more 100 European/Global research projects/initiatives on Sustainable Finance, Sustainable Blue Growth, Water-Food-Energy Nexus, Climate Change Mitigation & Adaptation, Innovation Acceleration, Behavioural and Experimental Economics on all five continents. In 2020 she received the prestigious European Research Council ERC Synergy Grant , entitled: “Smart Water Futures: Designing the Next Generation of Urban Drinking Water Systems”, which  focuses on design of the next generation of urban water systems, via the combination of water science, systems and control theory, economics, decision-science and machine learning. Currently, this is the biggest research project in the world on urban water systems.

Prof. Koundouri acts as a scientific advisor to the European Commission, the World Bank, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the OECD, the UN, NATO, WHO, the World Water Council and other international organizations, as well as numerous national and international institutions and organizations. He also advises national governments around the world.

Prof. Koundouri holds a PhD from the University of Cambridge. He has held academic positions at the University of Cambridge, University College London, University of Reading, and the London School of Economics. 

Since 2006 she lives in Greece (Athens) with her husband, Prof. Nikitas Pittis, and their three daughters: Chrysilia, Billie and Athena.

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Advisory Board Members

The Advisory Board (SAB) of ICRE8, chaired by professor Phoebe Koundouriis the strategic decision maker of the Centre. Seats on the SAB are given to institutions and foundations, private partners and world recognized thinkers on environmental issues. ICRE8 donors that have a strong vision compatible with the mission statement of ICRE8 will be eligible for a seat on the SPB. The SPB also performs quality control on the ICRE8’s research output and financial management. The SPB will meet at least once a year and participation via teleconference is possible.

Dr. Oliver Adler

Global Head of Economics & Real Estate, Private Bank & Asset Management Research, Credit Suisse AG

Ian Bateman, OBE


Director, SCERGE

Graciela Chichilnisky


Columbia University

Sir Partha Dasgupta


Frank Ramsey Professor Emeritus of Economics, University of Cambridge

Christian Gollier


Director, Toulouse School of Economics (TSE)

Kristis Hassapis


Associate Professor, Department of Economics, University of Cyprus

Anil Markandya


Distinguished Ikerbasque Professor & Former Scientific Director, BC3

Dr. Angelos Tsichrintzis


Associated University Professors

Andreas Drichoutis


Agricultural Economist

Dr. Nikolaos Englezos

ICRE8 Senior Researcher, Lecturer UNIPI

Konstantinos Georgalos


Developmental Lecturer in Behavioural and Experimental Economics

Maria Giaoutzi


ICRE8 Senior Researcher, Professor NTUA

Yannis Ioannidis


Professor of Informatics, President & General Director of the "Athena" Research and Innovation Center

Theophanis Karambas


Professor of Coastal Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

Phoebe Koundouri


Chair of Advisory Board, ICRE8; Professor in Economic Theory and Econometrics, AUEB

Nikolaos Kourogenis


Associate Professor, Dept. of Banking and Financial Management, University of Piraeus

Theologos Pantelidis


Senior Lecturer, Kent Business School, University of Kent

Andreas Papandreou


Professor of Environmental Economics National and Kapodistrian University of Athens

Nicolaos Theodossiou


Head, Division of Hydraulics and Environmental Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

Dr. Achilleas Vassilopoulos


ICRE8 Senior Researcher, SDSN Greece Academic Manager

Tasos Xepapadeas


Professor of Economic Theory and Policy, School of Economic Sciences, Athens University of Economics and Business

Christos S. Zerefos


Head, Research Center for Atmospheric Physics & Climatology Academy of Athens, Greece