In October, two GLOBAQUA events (Course and Conference about Water Management) are taking place in Agadir, Morocco.

1.    Training course on: Knowledge Brokerage for River Basin Management (3 Oct)

The course aims to deliver knowledge and skills for a better use of
scientific and stakeholder knowledge essential for River Basin Management.
Participants will learn new methods to share knowledge and strengthen the
relationships between science and policy for river basin management under
complex multiple stress conditions and will be able to apply these methods
in their own situations. The target groups are scientists, policy makers,
river basin managers, and (local) stakeholders who are (or should be)
involved in river basin management. Registration deadline: 10 September

2.    Conference on: Managing Water Scarcity in River Basins: Innovation
and Sustainable Development (4 to 6 Oct)

The conference aims at bringing together scientists and practitioners in the
water sector to inform exchange and raise awareness about latest knowledge
and innovation in areas affected by water scarcity. It will highlight
European and national Southern Mediterranean strategies on water, and will
elaborate on innovations on water reuse from municipal wastewater treatment,
the use of brackish water, seawater desalination, water efficiency and reuse
in agriculture and will discuss decentralized solutions for sustainable
development. The target includes academics and scientists; practitioners
from water utilities and water authorities; R&D performers; consulting
engineers and professionals. Registration deadline: 10 September – Abstract
submission (posters/oral presentations) deadline: 15 August 2018

In both events, partners from GLOBAQUA, WASA, and MADFORWATER projects are

More information about the event: ” Knowledge Brokerage for River Basin Management ” can be found here:

More information about the event: ” Managing Water Scarcity in River Basins: Innovation
and Sustainable Development ” can be found here:



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