“Innovation in Greece and the agencies that support it 4.0”

The two-day conference “Innovation in Greece and the agencies that support it 4.0” took place on Friday, January 20, and Saturday, January 21, 2023 at ACEin, AUEB premises. Find more here.

The Conference was co-organized by the NBG Business Seeds program of the National Bank of Greece, the Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation (ACEin) of the Athens University of Economics and Business, the Archimedes Center of the National Kapodistrian University of Athens, the Hellenic-American Chamber of Commerce, Endeavor Greece, the Uni. fund, Metavallon and Bayer Hellas.

The conference aimed at mapping innovation in Greece by answering key questions, such as, what does innovation mean in Greece today? Who does it concern? Which sectors of the economy does it touch? Which agencies support the effort of groups and companies to innovate? What financial tools are there? What other help is provided? What is the situation after the pandemic and what are the prospects?

Ms Lydia Papadaki, co-manager EIT Climate-KIC Greece Hub joined the panel on vertical innovation moderated by Dr Spyros Arsenis (Head of Business Innovation Development Unit | NBG Business Seeds).

Read here the Press Release (in Greek)

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