INTELCOMP Project | 3rd General Assembly Meeting October 10-11, 2023

From Tuesday 10th to Wednesday 11th of October 2023, the third and final General Assembly of the IntelComp project took place in Madrid, Spain in a hybrid format. ATHENA RC team was represented in person by Dr Haris Papageorgiou, Dr Ioanna Grypari and Ms Androniki Pavlidi and virtually by Ms Lydia Papadaki and Mr Charis Stavridis. The goal of this meeting was to discuss the development of the project. Ms Papadaki presented the results of the Living Lab on Climate Change.

The IntelComp project is a Horizon 2020 Innovation Action that aims to build a platform that will be able to analyze large volumes of textual data, varying from government open data to open access scholarly works (e.g. OpenAIRE Research Graph) using Artificial Intelligence (AI) services. The IntelComp platform is designed to assist Public Administrations and policymakers along the whole Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) policy-cycle: agenda setting, policy formulation, policy adoption, implementation, monitoring and evaluation. It will also assist all relevant stakeholders of STI policy (academia, industry and citizens) to co-create policies in the three specific domains where the platform will be tested: AI, climate change and health.


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