On Friday 21st April, Prof. Phoebe Koundouri participated in the Joint US-European NSF Workshop entitled “Flexible Electric Grid Critical Infrastructure for Resilient Society”. The Workshop, which was organized in Philadelphia on April 21-22, was focused on two main objectives:
- a) increasing resilience of the critical infrastructures under the net-zero carbon goals, and
- b) identifying cross cutting areas between decision and control sciences, ML/AI data modeling methodology and computational advances, geo and atmospheric sciences, and social and behavioral sciences, all needed to achieve the resilience goals.
The workshop gathered academic researchers, industry, and government representatives from the US and Europe to strategize on the future research direction of the grid transformation and assess the impacts of electric grid resilience on the resilience of other critical infrastructures that directly depend on reliable electricity supply.
Topic 3-Social, behavioral, and economic science synergy with the electric grid transformation
Moderators: L. Nordstrom (KTH, Sweden) & R. O’Neill (ARPA-E, USA)
- Baker (U of Co-Boulder, USA)
- Mathieu(U of Michigan, USA)
- Koundouri (DTU, Denmark and Athens Univ, Greece)
- Linares (Comillas, Spain)
The Workshop outcome is a research roadmap that will be shared with NSF, DOE, EPRI and other funding agencies in the USA, and selected funding agencies in Europe.
Workshop Co-Organizers: Mladen Kezunovic, Texas A&M University and Zoran Obradovic, Temple University