KEEPING PACE WITH CBA: Investment appraisal for the Next Generation EU

This 3-afternoon online webinar (22-23-24 September 2021) will provide an opportunity to dig into some of the most recent developments in the use of Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA) and project appraisal in public financial management. The workshop is an occasion to keep pace with the latest trends and advances in the CBA area from a European perspective. It will present good practices and advances both at the European and national level. Practical sessions on real cases will present how to estimate key benefits of investment sectors deemed relevant in the post-COVID era: healthcare, energy efficiency, RDI, digitalisation.

On the 24th of September Prof. Koundouri gave speech on “The value of open data: the case of OpenAIRE (Open Access Infrastructure for Research in Europe) ” at the CBA Webinar “KEEPING PACE WITH CBA: Investment appraisal for the Next Generation EU” organized by CSIL, Centre for Industrial Studies, in collaboration with the Society for Benefit Analysis (SBCA) and the Department of Economics, Management and Quantitative Methods of the University of Milan.

Learn more here

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