Join the SDG Academy this Thursday for an interactive discussion on communicating sustainability in an age of Trump, Putin and Twitter. Dr. Michael Shank, Head of Communications for the SDSN, will lead the virtual discussion by taking questions from the audience and pulling from his decades of experience in media.
The discussion is open to the public and is part of our Age of Sustainable Development course taught by Jeffrey Sachs.
The Hangout will take place at this link: To tune in, just click on the link when the session begins at 10:00AM EST or 14:00 UTC, 17.00 Greek time. For those of you who cannot join us, we will be posting the video on the course platform 24 hours after the Hangout.
More on Michael:
Michael Shank, Ph.D., is Head of Communications for the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network in New York City, where he handles communications for Professor Jeffrey Sachs and SDSN’s work on the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals. Michael’s recent positions include serving as Director of Media Strategy at Climate Nexus, Associate Director for Legislative Affairs at the Friends Committee on National Legislation, and US Congressman Michael Honda’s Senior Policy Advisor and Communications Director. Michael’s Ph.D. from George Mason University’s School for Conflict Analysis and Resolution is on Climate Conflict. Michael is Adjunct Assistant Professor at New York University’s Center for Global Affairs, Adjunct Faculty and a Board Member at George Mason University’s School for Conflict Analysis and Resolution, and Senior Fellow at the JustJobs Network. Michael is a former columnist for the Washington Post and US News & World Report and a regular contributor to USA Today, The Guardian, TIME Magazine, MSNBC, Fortune, and Fast Company.