Demian Elias

Position: PhD Candidate - Economics

Elias Demian is an environmental scientist specialised in Environmental Management and Policy (Lund University, Sweden) and in Applied Economics and Finance (Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece). Through his post as a researcher at IOBE since 2009, he has been involved in several studies and projects relevant to microeconomic analysis and environmental economics. He is the main contact person for projects implemented with the collaboration of the Greek Climate KIC relevant to circular economy and climate action, where IOBE participates as an associate partner. Since 2012, he is an external consultant of DG Environment and DG Clima of the European Commission, responsible for monitoring LIFE projects implemented in Greece, Cyprus and Bulgaria. He is a member of the National Council for Research and Innovation and the Sectoral Scientific committee for Environment, Energy and Sustainable mobility. In the past, he has worked with several national and international organisations assessing the economic impact of environmental and climate aspects.

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