Drouvelis Michalis

Position: Professor, University of Birmingham

Michalis Drouvelis is a Professor of Behavioural Economics at the University of Birmingham, Department of Economics. He joined the Department of Economics in 2010 as a Lecturer and became a Senior Lecturer in 2012, a Reader in 2013 and a Professor in 2018. Before coming to Birmingham, he was part of the experimental centres at the University of York, EXEC (where he worked from 2008-2010) and the University of Nottingham, CeDEx (where he obtained his PhD under the supervision of Robin Cubitt and Simon Gaechter).

Michalis’ research interests lie in the area of behavioural and experimental economics. Recent research has focused on social preferences, on voluntary cooperation in the presence of free rider incentives, on expression of emotions and on coordination games. His work has been published in Games & Economic Behavior, Journal of Public Economics, European Economic Review, Journal of Economic Psychology, Experimental Economics, Theory and Decision, Southern Economic Journal, Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics and Economics Letters.

Michalis is also affiliated with CESifo (Munich) and serves as Associate Editor for the Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization and Coordinating Editor for Theory and Decision.

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