Professor Andreas Drichoutis

Agricultural Economist

Andreas Drichoutis is an Agricultural Economist by training albeit his research agenda falls under the umbrella of Decision Science. He received his undergraduate diploma in Agricultural Economics in 2002 and a postgraduate degree in Agribusiness Management (MBA) in 2004 from Agricultural University of Athens. In 2004, after spending a semester at Texas A&M University, he continued his studies in AUA pursuing a PhD which he completed in 2008. In the meantime, he fulfilled his military obligations; a twelve month military service is required for all Greek males.

Prior to joining the Department of Agricultural Economics at Agricultural University of Athens, he was a faculty member at the Department of Economics at University of Ioannina for 4 years. Since May 2012 he is ranked at IDEAS RePEc’s list of the Top 25% of Economists in Greece (currently he is ranked at the Top 13%).

Dr. Drichoutis is or had been working for several EU and national projects. He has also worked as a consultant for the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. His research interests are focused on the economics of nutrition/obesity, on contingent valuation and experimental auctions methods to elicit consumers’ WTP, on choice under risk, on inter-temporal decision making and on applied demand analysis.

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