Rauscher Michael

Position: Professor, The University of Rostock


1989 Dr. rer. pol. (summa cum laude), University of Konstanz

1996 Habilitation and Venia Legendi for Economics, University of Kiel


Professional Career and Positions

1983 – 1995 Researcher, TU Berlin (1983), U Mannheim (1984) and U Konstanz (1985-1990),
Assistant Professor, U Kiel (1990-1995)

since 1996 Professor of International Economics, University of Rostock

since 2003 Research Professor, ifo Institute for Economic Research, Munich

2011-2014 Lead Author, 5th IPCC Assessment Report on Climate Change (Working Group III)

2012- 2014 Dean, Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences, University of Rostock



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