Efi is a Chemical Engineer holding a PhD diploma (NTUA) with twenty years of experience in a range of R&D activities, specialized in sustainable waste management, circular economy, energy and climate plans, sustainable management of municipalities, RES and energy saving. Today is President of the NGO NoWaste21, President of the Greek Women’s Engineering Association (EDEM).
She has cooperated as a Researcher Engineer with public bodies (Hellenic Recycling Agency (2013-2018), Centre of Renewable Energy Sources and Saving (2006-2013), Agricultural University of Athens(2005-2006), and Technical Chamber of Greece(2003-2005)). She knows English and French and she is also reviewer in Waste Management & Research (WM&R) and General Secretariat for Research and Technology (GSRT).
Tritopoulou Efi
Position: PhD in Chemical Engineering

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