New own resources package: The three engines for financing growth and recovery of the European economy | EESC

On the 10th of March Prof. Phoebe Koundouri delivered a speech in the discussion on “The views for the new own resources package from Civil society” at the Hearing on the own resources package: ”New own resources package: The three engines for growth and recovery of the European economy, organised by EESC.


The views for the new own resources package from Civil society

  • Liina CARR, Confederal Secretary, ETUC
  • Lina KONSTANTINOPOULOU, Policy Director, Eurochambres
  • Fabian ZULEEG, Chief Executive, European Policy Center
  • James WATSON, Director of Economics, BusinessEurope
  • Phoebe KOUNDOURI, Professor and President, European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists



Recording of the event here.

Presentations: here

Learn more here.

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