Newsletter CE Beacons project – August 2020

What’s so new about Circular Economy in our region

Project: Western Balkan Circular and Climate Innovation Beacons



CE Beacons project started this year and his goal is to develop a CE ecosystem and services that will enable the transition to CE in the Western Balkans.



EIT Climate-KIC through INNOVATION ECOSYSTEMS – Cross European Ecosystems Programme.



The Total Budget of the Project for 2020 is € 269,827



  • Wuppertal Institute of Climate, Environment and Energy, Germany
  • Cleantech Bulgaria
  • Timis Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture (CCIAT), Romania
  • Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia
  • Athena Research and Innovation Center in Information, Communication and Knowledge Technologies, Greece
  • CirEkon, Serbia


Our 2020 plan

This year, CE Beacons’ goal is to conduct a complex analysis of business needs and assess the potential for systemic business collaboration for (post COVID) CE transition in our region.

The objective for 2020 is to implement a resilient, regionally fit implementation framework for circular sustainable solutions into business, while directly connecting experiences from 6 Balkan countries and 2 other European countries.


Read our latest newsletter below.

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