Newsletter Hellenic Energy Regulation Institute- Issue 3/2016

The Hellenic Energy Regulation Institute has released its latest Newsletter, covering the most important developments in the Greek and EU Energy market.

This month’s issue highlights the following topics:

·         EU Energy Law at the Crossroads: The ‘Athens Conference on European Energy Law and Policy’

·         EU Environment Ministers recognize need for a bold reform of the EU carbon market

·         EU invests  € 263 million in energy infrastructure

·         Bad news for Greek Ship-owners? The tonnage tax under the European Commission’s microscope

·         G20 Energy Ministers commit to tackle together global energy and climate challenges

·         European Commission publishes latest energy, transport and emission projections in EU Reference Scenario 2016

·          New study examines national rules and practices on electricity supply risk

·         Bulgaria-Romania and Romania-Ukraine sign gas agreements

Download the newsletter here.

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